Sunday, July 10, 2011


On Saturday after nearly 11 years together... Neen and I finally held our own barbecue. Granted it was just the two of us but that made it even more special. Well I had never cooked food on a BBQ before, and to be honest we don't even own one so instead we picked up one of those great little disposable BBQ kits which actually worked out great! 

Food-wise I cooked 4 fresh burgers and a pound of sausages. I marinated the burgers and sausages in chopped garlic and butter and seared them to seal in the juices. When the coals were ready I then barbecued them with some red pepper slices. We also had lettuce, potato salad and giant cous cous. It was really lovely and best of all it stayed dry! (Saturday wasn't really a traditional BBQ day, It was pretty overcast.)

We are definitely going to do another BBQ soon. Those disposable sets are so cheap and absolutely ideal for our needs. We are probably going to stick with just the burgers and red peppers next pork outdoors is always nerve-wreckin', No man wants his first attempt at outdoor cooking to end with a bout of food poisoning. To be honest as nice as the sausages were they weren't worth the stress. We practically burnt them to cinders before we were satisfied they were cooked....They were lovely though!

I drew and inked a quick illustration inspired by our day yesterday, Check it out on my art blog... LINK

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