So yesterday my wife gets a call from her family sayin' they found a hedgehog and were advised by the vet to feed him, keep him over night and release him the following day somewhere safe. Well they live near a lot of traffic so thought releasing him at our house would be a safer option. Last night they brought the little guy up...we said our hellos and goodbyes and let 'em go.
Well today my wife sent me one of the strangest messages I've ever received. The hedgehog was back. She found him in the garden...sitting down....eating a barbecued sausage.
That's not all...Cowling over him was our three legged cat Hope. She was sitting behind him with one paw tentatively wrapped around his prickly side. Unable to catch him, but equally unwilling to let 'em go.
You see Hope hasn't been much of a hunter since she lost her leg...she was obviously surprised, excited and bemused by this giant friendly prickly "mouse" whom she had managed to "catch"
At the moment, the hedgehog is in a box in our sitting room. He's well fed and as I type is making a bed for himself out of grass and shredded paper.
To be honest we don't really know what to do with him. Neen called the vet to ask for advice. Based on our description of his behavior the vet thinks he may already be partially if not completely domesticated. His food preferences suggest he is already accustomed to domestic food.
She said we have two choices...keep him as a pet or bring him far into the country and release him...what do you think?